January 04, 2022

Wow, I haven't written a schedule in such a long time! My daughter will be one year and four months in January, and the last time I wrote about her schedule, she was at least five months ago!

So, much has changed. She's walking, graduated from formula and bottles, can feed herself, communicates by pointing and shaking her head, and best of all... Only on one nap!

I'd say the past five months have been a bit unstable because of so much development. Her naps are stable, but her mood is up and down, and her night time sleep is always negatively affected the most. She went through a few days of being completely awake at 2am, or she didn't want us to leave her in her crib, so it took a while for her to fall asleep. Fortunately, it only lasts for a few days to a week, and sometimes she surprises us with sleeping 12hrs straight, no wake up, but baby life continues to be unpredictable!

Fortunately, we haven't strayed too far from our schedule we had implemented a year ago, so let's get into it!

6:30 | WAKE UP

She's a bit cranky in the morning if she had a wake up at night, but often times she's ready to talk our ear off! She can say a few words, but it's babbling and grunting.

She's been eating so much recently! About 220 grams per meal, and she can now feed herself. Once she started feeding herself, life got a lot easier for me and my husband. We can cook while she eats and only need to help her drink and rescoop fallen food back into her bowl. She seems to enjoy meal time, and really didn't notice when we stopped the formula! I thought she'd scream and cry for it, but now that she can also drink from a straw, she's enjoying cow's milk and tea more. 

7:30 | PLAY TIME
she eats in a flash now, and so we turn on a famous TV show called  おかあさんといっしょ and she dances to the songs while my husband and I hang laundry and wash up the breakfast dishes. She will play with her toys, but she LOVES her book and bookshelf. She is usually begging us to read to her or just carrying her books around. 

8:30 | OUTING 

Since she is on one nap, our day can start later, but we still need to be back by noon to start her nap. So, we usually prepare to leave by 9am and go to the park or a special place we've planned to go. She loves the outdoors now that she can walk, and I enjoy just letting her roam, as it burns a lot of energy. However, we still have to be careful because she still gets overatimulated easily and needs an early nap if she does too much. 

11:00 | LUNCH
Lunch is very similar to breakfast and is pretty uneventful. If she's tired, she'll cry and we'll haul her off to bed by 11:30, but I usually hope she can hang on until 12-12:30.

12:00-2:30 | NAP

nap time is a breeze unless we get home late from our outing and she is too excited. At first I didn't know what to do with myself during this time, but now I take a nap myself! Otherwise, I clean, or just relax. 

2:30 | PLAY TIME
I usually just let her play in the water while I prepare her snack. It's a short play time, so if she's clingy after her nap, I'll just give her a snack early to put her in a better mood. 

Snack time is really fun because we bought her a little chair and she can finally eat crackers and fruit pouches, etc. She gobbles it up and we try to get her to drink. 

If we don't do anything, we just hang out until it's time for bath time. She's not the clingy type, but if she thinks we are doing anything too fun, she'll follow us around like a lost puppy! During this time, I tend to do pretend play with her, like talking on the phone or she helps me "fold the laundry". Sometimes, I'll make jelly or oobleck for her to play with. 

5:00 | BATH
This time slot hasn't changed, as it gives my husband time to cook dinner. Bath time is fun and probably still her favorite time of the day. 

6:00 | DINNER 

Dinner is still a little tricky. She eats fine but then acts hungry still? We think it may be a growth spurt or she's eating too fast or she just wants to eat while we eat and is triggered by us eating. Whatever it is, we end up having to hold her and share food or give her yogurt or something. She's also pretty clingy by the end of the day, so we have to hold her while we eat. 

7:30 | BEDTIME 

We still have the same bedtime routine, except now we brush her teeth. She loves it since she has her own toothbrush too. After a few stories, we still do the night time song and she sleeps with her stuffed penguin. If we get the timing right, she's off to bed quietly. If we are off, we have to in there a few times and tell her to lay down. If she really doesn't sleep, I'll take her out for a reset and do storytime again and will try again later! 

Well, that's our routine for now! I don't see it changing drastically anytime soon, so I'll see you at 2 years old! 

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