January 04, 2022

Happy New Year, Everyone! Is it just me or did 2020 and 2021 seem like one very long, tiring year? Finally, after nearly two years, I am feeling like myself again, and I have taken the time to do some very long, and hard soul searching to see what direction I should take in 2022.

Fortunately, I have big changes up ahead planned in my life, which leaves me shivering with excitement, but on the flip-side, that also means I need to close some doors in order to focus my energy and attention. Therefore, after one year of "Yoroshiku Yokomama" and a half a decade at this blog under various other names, I will be letting this domain expire and re-branding completely.

Many of you had noticed that I've already slowly started closing down my YouTube, and I will be doing the same with my instagram and other social media profiles, such as Patreon. No, nothing bad has happened, but I have been feeling a bit chaotic and stretched thin with the baggage that comes with having so many social media profiles, unrelated to one another, and I think it's best if I start over completely with a cohesive and focused brand.

Writing is my passion, so I'll definitely be back with a new domain and tons of musings. However, I will be letting go of some of my less "profitable" ventures, which end up just taking time with little return. 

It has been my absolute pleasure over the years sharing my journey and helping those along the way. I hope to return even better than ever.

I hope we cross paths again soon, and that you also finally embark on the path to you in 2022!

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