July 23, 2021I am happy to announce that I am on summer vacation for the next two weeks, and I would love to share with all of you who may also be stuck inside once again this summer my favorite mommy bloggers here in Japan. Blogging has taken a huge hit in the face of more visual social media platforms, such as YouTube, TikTok, and Instagram, but being a huge bookworm and reader, I still love, and prefer, a good ol' blog!
Although the mommy community in Japan is still fairly small, with a majority not blogging, or their blogs abandoned, there are still some great bloggers out here in Japan with awesome content that update as regularly as their life allows it! Please allow me to share some of my favorites.
If I missed you, and you have a regularly updated blog (blogspot, wordpress, .com) and are a mommy or even Daddy here in Japan, please feel free to leave your link in the comment section below with a short description of your content!
Tiny Tot in Tokyo is authored by an Canadian Tokyoite that writes about her journey as a mom in Japan. Her content ranges from reviews to recommendations, to recipes and interviews with other mothers. I really like how she offers a platform for other mother's to share their experience, as I began to realize that the community is not as small as I once believed. Her content is fun and informational with a personable tone, so it feels like reading a blog from a fellow mom-friend. I definitely recommend checking out TinyTotInToyko even if you do not live in Tokyo.
This next blogger is an ex-gyaru turned mompreneur that resides in Tokyo's Edogawa Ward. Teni Wada goes into great detail about her experiences as a mom in Japan as well as sharing lifestyle and beauty tips for women. Her latest endeavor has led her to opening her own skin care brand called Edo Beauty Lab, which I am looking forward to supporting! I enjoy her down-to-earth, honest, and open approach to sharing information about life here in Japan, and it's such an inspiration for other mother's who might be interested in going freelance or starting their own business!
The next blogger on this list is Jocelyn Saito, a mom of three, and a lactation consultant here in Tokyo, Japan. As a mother of three, My Motherhood Tokyo offers a plethora of advice ranging from pregnancy, to newborn, all the way up to toddler age! Her advice and services regarding breastfeeding is absolutely invaluable to the expat mother community, and right now she is even in the process of getting Montessori certified. I look forward to reading about this journey, and seeing where it takes her!
The Tokyo Chapter is written by a long-term, 12 years and counting, Australian mom named Jo! What is unique about her journey here in Japan is that her spouse is not Japanese, unlike many expat mothers here in Japan, so it is really interesting to see how things work with having two non-native Japanese parents. As a mother of two, she offers tons of information about her experiences in the land of the rising son, with a huge focus on travel. Want tips on how to fly with young children? How about information on family/kid friendly hotels in Tokyo? From Tokyo to Kyoto and even overseas, her content will help you prepare for a successful and fun filled trip with your little ones. Once we feel comfortable traveling, I will definitely be going back into The Tokyo Chapter archives for all the hidden gems waiting for me!
With Haruna Home, we've finally left Tokyo and have stepped foot into a more quiet and laid-back side of Japan in Hyogo Prefecture! The blog is authored by an American and Japanese married couple who are sharing their parenting journey with their beautiful four month old baby! It's so nice to read about places outside the hustle and bustle of the city and see what life is like with tons of nature and a more peaceful, concentrated existence. As a mom who was in her shoes just a few months ago, I look forward to seeing where their journey brings them!
The next blogger on my list is a French blogger living here in Tokyo, Japan with her daughters and husband She is an artist that uses her blog to showcase snapshots and episodes of her motherhood journey through manga form! The comics are short, sweet, and oh, so relate-able! If you are looking for something a little deeper than her mini-toons, she does also share her YouTube videos on her blog, and in these videos she goes into more detail about her life here in Japan. Her latest endeavor has her traveling back home to France, but with all of the restrictions of the pandemic and international travel, it is proving a bit difficult. I wish her all the luck, and hope that other's can benefit from what she shares with us, as I too want to travel back home!
That Japan Life is authored by a Filipina mother residing in Yokohama, Japan, and her blog covers tips and trips for navigating life in Japan to tips and trips of navigating motherhood here as well. Her blog is both written with video, and the amount of detail and raw, honestly, she shares with her reader is so refreshing! She is honest but funny and her content is easily digestible despite being very detailed. I find myself going back and reading all of her entries as I reap priceless information from her experiences.
I included Best Living Japan because this blog has the most comprehensive and up-to-date information for motherhood in Japan that I know! Contributors to the blog are all mothers here in Japan and with the culmination of all of their experiences, Best Living Japan is an excellent resource for expats in Japan. Don't know what to do? Where to Go? Especially with kids! Best Living Japan has you covered. You can find one day, three day, or even ten day itineraries to make sure you and your family has a blast no matter where you end up going!
So, there you have it! In no particular order, these are my favorite expat mommy bloggers in Japan. Please share or recommend bloggers that don't fit the mold! Fathers, single parents, double expat families, and people of color. We need more diversity and I would love to hear from you!